Night Island
Legend of the Twins

This is the story of Maharet and Mekare. The red headed-green eyed witches who were punished for their beliefs...


Lestat de Lioncourt
Legend of the Twins
Armand and his Shadow
Louis and the Forbiden
Images of Darkness
Those That Must Be Kept

Maharet, twin to Mekare, was guardian of the mortal descendents of her sister. Living in a house built into the side of the Sonoma mountains, California, she kept a map and histories of all family members and was known to them all as a distant spinster aunt looking for a family to dote on.
She became mortal mother to Miriam, whose lineage produced Jesse, following a punishment rape by Khayman on the King, Enkil's, behalf.

As a further punishment by the King and Queen she had her eyes torn out and replaced them with mortal ones.

Mekare, twin to Maharet, went underground, literally, awaiting the time for her revenge upon Akasha for having spread the curse of Vampirism.
At the Kings request her tongue was also cut from her head and she remained dumb evermore.

The King and Queen believed the twins to be evil for their gift of communicating with spirits.

Following the demise of Akasha, Mekare becomes the new Queen of the Damned upon consuming the heart and brain of the old Queen. The tribe from which the twins originated having the belief that a deceased person lives on through being eaten and so preserved by close friends and family members.

In the twins village it was custom for the other people of the village to consume the flesh, but when the twins sat down to begin the feast of flesh (one with the brain and the other with the heart.) the feast was interupted and Maharet and Mekare were taken as the Queen and Kings prisoners.